
Showing posts from July, 2021

Live Shows and Recording Update (listen to Green Tomatoes) - July Newsletter

  Hi everyone,   This will be a rather short and sweet newsletter. I hope you are all enjoying the summer weather (even though for a lot of us it has been kind of rainy). I didn't write a June newsletter, partly because the month flew on by, and now suddenly here we are at the end of July - another month that flew on by!   I have been spending much of my time in the recording studio, and am really happy with the progress we are making. We have almost everything recorded - we're just doing some finishing touches as we work on mixing. I've got another song for you to listen to - check out a rough mix of Green Tomatoes by clicking here or on the photo. Tim Foley is featured on lead guitar! And the song was kind of inspired by one of the first dates we went on - but not quite in the way you might think. I'll save that story for another time, though.   I also have some live shows coming up (info on the next two below), and am working on booking more. Check out my we...