
Showing posts from April, 2022

Blossom in the Sun - April Newsletter

Hi everyone, My feature set at the Parish Center for the Arts open mike was so much fun. I saw people I hadn't seen since the "before times" and I got to hear a wide variety of music from all the open mikers, which was great. It felt so good to be back in the game, so to speak. I have two more live shows this month and info is below. One is in Vermont, so if you know folks in that area who would enjoy an afternoon of original music, please send them our way! I am also looking forward to other upcoming events. In June I will be playing a house concert on Cape Cod  stay tuned for more info coming soon. I have a title for the new album! It will be called Blossom in the Sun , which is a lyric from the song Green-Eyed Dais y. You can have a listen to the final mix here . The songs are being mastered as you read this, and graphics are being designed. We're getting closer and closer! Thank you, as always, for your interest and support! Hope to see you out there soon. :) Kirs...