
Showing posts from November, 2021

Gratitude Abounds! - November Newsletter

  Hello all,   I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving, spending it exactly as you wished - whether that was a loud and boisterous celebration with many people, or a quiet and contemplative meal, relaxing and renewing.   I have much to be thankful for, not the least of which is you folks - the people who take an interest in and support my music. I am so grateful every time you listen, come to a show, buy an album, speak to how a song of mine moved you. It means the world to me, and I am truly grateful - thank you!   I have been working on the new album (slowly, but surely it is getting there) and have some songs that are very close to finished. One of them, called "It's All Over But the Cryin'" was inspired by an article in the sports section of the Boston Globe. The writer referred to the game being "All over but the crying" after a certain play was made. And I thought "Well, that sounds like a song title." You can listen to it here .   I co...