Back from a bit of a rest! - March Newsletter

Hi everyone,

A belated happy 2023 to you! I spent the first couple of months of the year in rest and hibernation mode, and now have started to venture forth again. I'm excited to be back out playing some shows, and have more in the works. I will keep my website updated. Information about my March shows is below. I hope to see you out in the world.

In the meantime, since it is St. Patrick's Day tomorrow here is a link to a virtual flute choir video I made a couple of years ago of O Danny Boy. I hope you enjoy! (Screen shot above also has the link.)

Thank you all for your encouragement and support, and I hope 2023 is a wonderful year for everyone.

:) Kirsten

Upcoming Shows

Saturday, March 18  
Kirsten solo
6:30 p.m.
North Reading Community Coffee House
Flint Memorial Library, North Reading, MA

Four other performers (including the husband Tim Foley) will each play a half hour set at this great community coffee house. I look forward to hearing the other players, and there are usually some good food treats to be had.
Sunday, March 26 Kirsten solo
Open Mike Feature
8:30 p.m. (open mike starts at 7)
Walnut Street Cafe
157 Walnut St, Lynn, MA

This is a fun, eclectic open mike - a place where you can hear everything from an autoharp to an oud. Come and sign up, or come and listen and enjoy, or come and do both. I will play a 25 minute set around 8:30 p.m.

As I mentioned, I have been in rest and hibernation mode. It's given me time and space to "replenish the well," as Julia Cameron talks about in the Artist's Way. And it also gives me to time to think about next steps - what do I want to focus my creative energy on? Which ideas still excite me, and which ones don't energize me in the same way anymore? I know I can get caught up in the busyness of "doing" and forget that "being" is just as an important part of living a creative life. Whenever I stop all the "doing" and just "be" for awhile, good things always come from it. 
“At times, productivity means doing nothing at all.”
Gina Greenlee, Postcards and Pearls: Life Lessons from Solo Moments on the Road 

Good Stuff

I have been doing a lot of listening to music, old and new, in the last couple months. One new album that has been in the rotation is Michaela Anne's latest Oh To Be That Free. It's a lovely album - homey and somehow vast at the same time. Standout songs, in my opinion, are "I'm Only Human" and "Dirty Secrets."


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